Luckily, the only other female volunteer left from my cohort, the wonderful Miss Kirsten, was kind enough to invite me up for the holidays. Two whole weeks with someone I'd barely seen since training!
Her site is gorgeous. From town, you have to take a boat for over an hour down a stunning river through the type of landscape you see on TV when they talk about "untouched jungle." Since I wasn't coming in on the only day the community boat runs, the Toshao (the head of an Amerindian Village) himself came out to fetch me, which was killing two birds with one stone, because usually the first thing you have to do when entering an Amerindian village is be introduced to the Toshao.
I arrived at what looked like a picture village. A sandy beach flowing into the lazy, tea-colored river, a dock jutting out, and quaint buildings dotting the hill in front. Since there's no cell reception, and I'd ended up getting in earlier than expected, Kirsten wasn't there, so I was just pointed in a general direction. When there's only one white person in a village, they're easy to find, because everyone knows who you're talking about (which is both convenient and terrifying.)
I spent two idyllic weeks with my lovely host, and was absolutely charmed by almost everyone in the village. I have rarely met anyone to match the hospitality of the people of Santa Mission.
Kirsten let me tag along to two of her Wildlife Club meetings, which was entertaining. I got a chance to teach a bunch of the kids to make friendship bracelets, which they picked up in no time flat. I still have to send them some more string...
The highlight, at least for me, was that one neighbor of Kirsten's had decided to teach her how to weave mats out of tibisiri palm, and they graciously allowed me to tag along, and taught me as well. Even more kind, they gave me the mats we made at the end, so I could make frames when I got back to Annai and hopefully show some students how to recreate them. We spent several afternoons at the task, with our teacher sometimes laughing (kindly) at our frequent mistakes. The mats I made might not be perfect, but I'll get better!
Kirsten's friends at site were so welcoming. One kept dropping by with food or inviting us over to eat, and at one point even let us attempt palourie making at her house, despite the mess we made of it!
When I was ready to leave at the end of two weeks, so many people stopped by, several with the most gorgeous gifts! There's a stunning craft shop in the village where I spent an ungodly amount of money splurging on handmade gifts to bring home, but the woven fan and the jewelry boxes that were given to me, in addition to those mats, are now some of my most prized possessions.
I can't say enough thanks to Kirsten and her whole village, and I hope I get to go back and visit again before I leave Guyana. It's one of the most pleasant and beautiful places I've been in this country.